god is in the details / mies van der rohe 

I am another you / feat. ryan wijayaratne by christian hutter 2018

l u n a r  e c l i p s e  b a n g l e s * everything is perfectly balanced here / sri anandamayi ma

lunar vs solar eclipse 

a solar eclipse occurs in the daytime at new moon when the moon is between earth and the sun, while a lunar eclipse occurs at night at full moon when earth passes between the sun and the moon.

there are 7 stages of a total lunar eclipse:

penumbral eclipse begins this begins when the penumbral part of earth's shadow starts moving over the moon. 

partial eclipse begins earth's umbra starts covering the moon, making the eclipse more visible.

total eclipse begins earth's umbra completely covers the moon and appears red, brown, or yellow in color.

maximum eclipse this is the middle of the total eclipse.

total eclipse ends at this stage, earth's umbra starts moving away from the moon's surface.

partial eclipse ends earth's umbra completely leaves the moon's surface.

penumbral eclipse ends at this point, the eclipse ends and earth's shadow completely moves away from the moon.